My story

May the peace, blessings, and mercy of God be upon you
Before being a brand, Basmastour is a person…
She is a believer, concerned about the habit established for Muslim women.
It all starts in 2020:
A year filled with choices and concessions.
I gave up my studies and my old profession to preserve my veil and my religion.
This is a year when Allah brought back in my heart the love of sharعi clothing. Many feelings went through me: serenity, joy, a few moments of reflection on my future, but trust in my Lord never left me.
I had nothing left, but to have left everything for Him knowing that He would never let me down relieved my heart.
The Prophet ﷺ said:
Whoever leaves something for Allah, Allah will replace it with something better.
[authentic hadith reported by Ahmed, An-Nasâ’î and authenticated by Al-Albânî in Ad-Da’îfah – 1/62]
Basmastour was born for two reasons:
- establish my sustenance by the Grace of Allah
- be a cause in the propagation of this obligation
Actually, this second reason was my first intention.
The desire for other sisters to know the feeling (and all that derives from it) of dressing according to religious precepts had become essential to me.
The adventure therefore begins in December 2020.
1 year later...
In January 2022, I realize my hijra. This by the Grace of Allah and by your cause.
I fly to Egypt, the country that gives me the opportunity to make my own confections, and this, in order to offer unique pieces and sizes to meet everyone's needs.
Today, Basmastour continues to evolve.
To date, the one and only goal of the brand: to expand the Creation collection so that it becomes the concept إن شاء الله.